Android 11 Dates For Your Device

Anne Hunter
Thursday, May 20, 2021

Android 11: Dates for Your Device. Here’s a look at the most popular Android devices and when you can use their latest update. We’ll be looking at a wide range of devices, including Pixel, Google, Samsung and Nokia phones. Continue reading to learn more about when this great update will be available.


All Pixel users who have Android installed on their devices should see Android 11 by September 9, except for the Original Pixel, which was not offered this update. This list includes devices from Pixel 2 through Pixel 4a. All devices released between these two ranges were updated by the above date.


Google device owners can expect to be among the first to get their Android 11 update. Google made it easy for users to immediately apply the Android 11 update on their smartphones when Android 11 was released.


Samsung is not known for being the fastest when it comes to updating its devices, unless there are critical security issues that need to be addressed. The S20 series is most likely to receive this update first, although a date has yet to be set. The update will likely arrive in 2020, but this could change depending on Samsung’s wishes.


Unlike its rival Samsung, Nokia tends to update its devices quickly and will be able to implement this very quickly. Each device’s release dates vary quite a bit, with Nokia 1.3 to 4.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.4, and 3.4 releasing their chance for the update within the first 3 months in 2021. This will vary depending on the device and may range from February 2021 through June 2021.


Microsoft releases Android 11 slightly later than other companies, which is why it can be expected that Microsoft will be available in summer 2021.


It is not clear how LG’s devices will react to this update. The LG Velvet 4G will release between April and June 2021, while the LG8 models will be available from April through October. LG’S K models will be released in the final months of 2021.


The release dates for these devices will vary depending on the company and model. While some companies choose to roll out this update more slowly than others, others feel it is essential to ensure that it is implemented to all of their devices. It is crucial to know when your device will be releasing this update. This will allow you to prepare for the many new features that will be available for your device.

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